The Art of Napkin Folding

Fanned Napkins

We have all admired table settings at restaurants and weddings. Napkins play an important practical as well as artistic role in the dining experience. Napkin Folding is a special art form, which anyone can learn. We will start with napkin rings, followed by beautiful examples of napkin art, and conclude by making one of our own: a Christmas Tree Napkin. Let’s get started…

Napkin Rings:
Metal Napkin Rings

Napkin Rings Metal

Beaded Napkin Ring

Napkin Rings Jeweled

Engagement Napkin Ring

Napkin Rings Diamond

Folded Napkins:
Rolled Napkins

Rolled Napkins

Fanned Napkin

Fanned Napkin

Artistic Napkins

Artistic Napkins

Artistic Napkins

Artistic Napkins

Ocean Waves Napkins

Artistic Napkins

Easter Napkin (this design can also be a shamrock for St. Patrick’s Day)

Easter Napkin

Iris Napkin

Floral Napkin

Flower Napkin (with a fresh cut bloom)

Floral Napkin

Shirt Napkin

Shirt Napkin

Swan Napkins

Swan Napkins

How to Make a Napkin Christmas Tree:

Christmas Tree Napkins

Place a Large Square Napkin on a Table.

Large Square Napkin

Fold It in Half.

Fold Napkin in Half

Fold It in Half Again to Form a Square.

Make Napkin Square

Turn It Toward You. (loose edges at top & folded sides at bottom)

Turn Point Toward You

Fold a Small Triangle at Bottom.

Fold Small Triangle

Peel Down One Layer Toward Bottom

Peel Down One Layer

Fold Another Triangle Overlapping the First. (leave about an inch of the bottom layer exposed)

Make New Triangle

Repeat Process for Each Layer

Repeat Process

Last Layer Completed

Make Last Triangle

Fold Left Side Back to Form Half of Tree

Fold Back Left Side

Half Finished Christmas Tree

Half Tree Complete

Finished Christmas Tree Napkin

Completed Napkin Tree

Adjust the top of tree and folds as needed. Congratulations! You have successfully completed your first napkin folding project. Preparing for a wedding or a large dinner party? Only 199 napkins to go. lol

There are lots of how-to videos online or challenge yourself to come up with an original design. Have fun with it. What is the best folded napkin design you have ever seen? I loved the birds of paradise napkins at a Hawaiian restaurant. Please let me know your thoughts and ideas.

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!

Crafting Day & Night

Eiffel Tower Day & Night

“As different as day and night” is a common expression. When we find ourselves stuck inside, we’re often looking for ways to be entertained. For many, crafting is the answer. A little effort goes a long way, and everyone loves seeing “Before” and “After” photos. These crafts will surprise and hopefully inspire you to create a little crafting magic of your own.

Sledding Centerpiece

Before:  Wooden Sled Wall Art.   After:  Snowman & Friends Centerpiece.
(Click here for how to instructions)

Foxy Santa

Before:  Misfit Christmas Decoration.   After:  Foxy Santa with new hat and tail.
(Click here for how to instructions)

Seashell Plaque

Before:  Drab Wall Art Print.   After:  Seashells, Sea Urchin & Starfish Framed Art.
(Click here for how to instructions)

Piggy Before and After

Before:  Colorless Pig Statue.   After:  Pink Pig with lots of personality.
(Click here for how to instructions)

Before & After Pumpkins

Before:  Faded Lawn Decoration.   After:  Bold Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns
(Click here for how to instructions)

Headless Dog Before & After

Before:  Snowman with Headless Dog.   After:  Restored Dog.
(Click here for how to instructions)

Light House Before & After

Before:  Incomplete Candleholder.   After:  New Lighthouse Roof & “Light.”
(Click here for how to instructions)

Octopus Before & After

Before:  Monochromatic Candleholder.   After:  Blue Ringed Octopus Sculpture.
(Click here for how to instructions)

Candlestick Before & After

Before:  Difficult Candle Size.   After:  Candleholder for Taper Candles.
(Click here for how to instructions)

Leaves Before & After

Before:  Dull, “Muddy” Wall Sconces.   After:  Vibrant Tropical Leaves & Candles.
(Click here for how to instructions)

I hope you enjoyed these projects. Take a look around your home for any items that could use a little refreshing. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Good Luck!

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!

Crowning Glory – Create Beautiful Floral Crowns

Party Animal
Raise your hand if you wore a crown as a kid on your birthday. Come on, you know you did! It was fun being a prince or princess for the day. From the moment I awoke on that special day until I climbed into bed that night, the crown was on my head. I know it was only plastic or cardboard with glitter, but to me it was precious metal and gemstones. Ah to be a kid again!

You’ll be happy to hear that crowns are making a comeback – for adults. Instead of visiting a party store, you can make your own headbands and crowns with fresh-cut flowers and silk foliage. For a unique approach, accessorize with beads and shells.

Red Roses
Bold red roses and a frilly red dress are sure to be noticed at any occasion. To make one, you’ll need floral wire and tape, wire cutters, and enough fresh-cut blooms to conceal the wire. Make sure the roses have long enough stems to attach to the wire. You can trim them later when the crown is complete. And while it’s probably obvious when working with roses, don’t forget to remove all the thorns.

Casual Crown
By simply gluing silk leaves and flowers to braided twine, you can create a laid back, casual look, perfect for a summer barbecue with friends.

Ivy & Berries Crown
English ivy and red berries lend a wintry vibe to this crown. If time is limited, choose silk garlands, which can be cut to size and secured with green florist’s tape. Be sure to hide the ends with leaves or flowers.

Rosebud Crown
Lavender rosebuds beautifully coordinate with this model’s makeup.

Green Leaves
Wearing matching green leafy crowns is an adorable way for a bride and groom to start their new life together.

Shells & Nuts
A readymade strand of woven seashells and nuts is a nice alternative to flowers in this attractive crown.

Blue Flowers
Lush blooms in vibrant blue celebrate the joys of springtime.

Hyacinths Crown
Hyacinths and daffodils are a great combination with a heavenly scent.

Wild Flowers Crown
Nothing says summertime like wildflowers in the sun.

Dried Flowers Crown
This headpiece can be worn again and again thanks to the use of dried flowers.

Daisies & Cornflowers Crown
If you are on a gluten free diet, this is not the crown for you. Yellow, blue and red flowers form a delicate balance with the wispy texture of wheat in this sweet bountiful style.

Seashell Crown
A seashell necklace can become the perfect accessory for accentuating this pretty pinned up hairdo. Simply double the strand and drape it over the top. What could be easier than that?

Hibiscus Crown
Contrasting hibiscus flowers, in red and white, beautifully frame this young woman’s face. You could easily create the same look by attaching silk tropical flowers to a purchased headband.

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, a special anniversary, getting married, or having a fabulous time on a tropical vacation, why not don a crown? They’re not just for royalty. Think of all the things you do for friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances each and every day, all year long. Wear the crown. You’ve earned it!

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!

Countdown -Top Six Posts 2023

Hourglass Countdown

It seems we are always keeping an eye on the time.  Busy schedules and ever-growing “To-Do” lists often prevent us from stopping to review our accomplishments.  Let us take a few minutes to look back at the highest ranked posts, as voted by you, the readers. Below is a list of the Top Six posts of 2023, in ascending order: (Likes for posts 4, 5 & 6 were tied)

Number 6: The Beauty of Origami

Origami Dragon

Origami is an ancient art of paper folding. Boats are one of the more familiar forms, but there is a wide variety of shapes, including animals, trees, and flowers.  To read more, please click here. 

Number 5: Eternal Spring

Painted Wood Butterfly Garden

As new blooms of spring dazzle us with their beautiful pastel or jewel tone petals, equally attractive butterflies gather the sweet nectar and flutter away like fairies in the wind.  To read more, please click here.

Number 4: Table Décor – Elements

Table Decor Color Scheme Red & Gold

Earlier this year, one of my followers requested a post featuring table décor inspirations for year-round events.  To read more, please click here.

Number 3: Muffin Fest 2023

Apple Cheddar Muffins

This week’s post celebrates the many flavors of muffins. Of course, we have all heard and hopefully tasted some of the classics, such as corn or blueberry muffins, but you may also find some new ones here to tempt your taste buds.  To read more, please click here.

Number 2: Table Décor – Designs for All Occasions

Table Decor Color Theme Red & Gold

Welcome to part two of table décor. Last week we reviewed the basic elements used in decorating tables. Today, we will see table designs for most occasions celebrated throughout the year.  To read more, please click here.

Number 1: Inspiring Cake Design

Sewing Machine Cake

A well-designed cake sets the tone (e.g., romantic, playful, humorous), or complements the theme (e.g., fairytales, natural wonders, hobbies, holidays) for every celebration.  To read more, please click here.

Seasonal Craft Projects

And there we have it – the top 6 posts of 2023.  We have a new year to explore the world of creativity.  There are always new ideas and I’ll be sure to include more of your favorites.  Your opinions are greatly appreciated, and I look forward to so much more this year.  If you have any suggestions for future posts, please let me know. 

Thanks for Reading, Happy New Year & Happy Crafting! 

A Crafter’s Nightmare Before Christmas

Snowman Detail
Many people enjoy expressing their creativity during the holidays, with decorations, gifts, etc. Although this happened at Christmas time, this funny story could happen any time of the year.  Did you ever buy something without noticing a major flaw?  I did, and it took a few days to notice.  I purchased several wintry figurines for use in a Christmas centerpiece.  There was a cardinal, a penguin, and an adorable polar bear.  I also chose a cute figure of a boy building a snowman, which resembled one of those warm family scenes in a Norman Rockwell painting.

Original Headless Dog
I set up the sleigh centerpiece and surrounded it with the new figures. There it sat in our family room for a few days. Occasionally I would look at it but didn’t notice anything amiss. Then one night, while watching television, I picked up one of the figures for a closer look. There appeared to be a snow-covered object leaning against the base of the snowman. What could it be? Maybe it was a tree stump or a rock?

Close Up Headless Dog
Curiosity got the best of me. I held it under a lamp and was shocked by my discovery! It was a headless dog! Unless you happen to be Tim Burton, a headless dog is a little too macabre for such a festive season. The store where I purchased it was closing, and all sales were final. Maybe I could fix it myself, but how? I considered breaking off the rest of it, but that would most likely damage the snowman. I began wondering if I could create a new head using three-dimensional paint.

Headless Dog Painted Brown
Because the white dog was leaning against a white snowman, it was very difficult to see. To correct that problem, the first step was painting the dog’s body with acrylic brown paint. What a big improvement! He was actually a cute little dog if you overlooked the missing head!

New Dog Head
Next, using white three-dimensional paint, I built up a small head in proportion to the body. Because the dog was looking up at the snowman, the head needed to be angled upward. After allowing it to dry, I added the muzzle and the pointed ears with the same dimensional white paint.

Finished Dog
The last step was painting the new head with brown acrylic paint to match the body, and a toothpick was used to add black eyes and a nose. The completed dog looked very happy to be in one piece again!

The repaired snowman figurine had been restored to a Rockwell worthy appearance. Sorry, Tim, maybe next year – lol!

Did something like this ever happen to you? How did you fix it? Please share your experiences in the comments section.

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!

This Little Piggy Gets a Makeover

Flying Pig
We’ve all heard the expression, “when pigs fly,” implying impossibility. Well, we won’t let that stop us from expressing our creativity!

Flying Pig Front
Sometimes you find your next art project in the most unlikely of places! I found this cute little winged pig at the local Rite Aid Pharmacy. Although it’s fine the way it is, I thought it would be nice to add some color. Break out your brushes and acrylic paints because we’re going to give this little piggy a makeover. In my excitement to get started, I had already painted the eyes when I realized I hadn’t taken a “Before” photo. In its original state, there was no color at all.

Flying Pig Back
Here’s a photo of the back. The wings are so cute.

Before we get started, I found a photo of this piglet for inspiration. Please feel free to choose any colors you like. The mix of colors on the spotted pig featured at the top of this post would make a great color scheme as well.

Piggy Paints
To complete this project, you will need several acrylic paints and two paint brushes (1 large & 1 small). Clear spray paint is optional.

Painted Pig Details
Paint the details first, including the hooves, eyes, tongue, and the inside of each ear.

Closeup Facial Details
Here is a close up of his smiling little face. The eyes are painted brown, with black pupils and a dot of white in each eye to create a lively expression.

Pink Pig Front
Because the black hooves seemed to be too much contrast, I changed the color of the hooves to tan. In doing so, the eyes become the focal point. Mix white and fuchsia together to create the desired shade of pink, and use it to paint the entire body, except for the end of the snout, which is unpainted.

Pink Pig Back
Here is the back photo. The wings are also unpainted. If you like a challenge, you could come up with a unique scheme for the feathers, possibly using iridescent colors. To protect the acrylic paints, the entire statue was sprayed with clear spray paint.

Piggy Before and After
Before                                                             After

This fun and easy project is inexpensive and can be completed in a very short amount of time. All drug stores have a seasonal section, which is marked down after every holiday and at season’s end by as much as 50% -75% off. There are some great options for adults as well as kids.

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!

Special Needs Solutions for Jewelry

Hands with Jewelry
Jewelry can be frustrating for people with arthritis or limited mobility in their hands and fingers. As a result, putting on a bracelet, earrings or watch can become very difficult, if not impossible. A few simple changes can make it easier, so that wearing jewelry is enjoyable once again. All the jewelry components pictured below are available online through

Toggle Clasps
Toggle Clasps
When selecting necklaces or bracelets, look for toggle clasps. A toggle clasp is larger and easier to manipulate than a spring ring or lobster claw clasp. Another advantage of toggle clasps is that they are easy to use and typically can be secured without the help of another person.

Lobster Claw Clasps
Lobster Claw Clasps
Many spring ring and lobster claw clasps are quite small, making them more difficult to secure. If a lobster claw clasp is the only option, ask for a larger size clasp and a larger jump ring on the other end. Regardless of the type of clasp, many people try to secure the clasp behind the neck, which can be very frustrating. You can always secure the clasp of a necklace in the front and then slide the clasp around to the back of your neck.

Extender Chains
Extender Chains
For necklaces, it is helpful to choose a length that you can put on over your head. If you don’t know what size you need, go into any store and try on several until you find the length that works best for you. Make note of that size so that you can be sure to buy that length in the future. Another option is an extender chain. This short length of chain, in gold or silver, can be added to a necklace to give you a few extra inches of length.

Stretch Watch & Stretch Bracelet
Stretch Watch & Bracelet
If a bracelet clasp is too difficult, you may be able to slip it on without opening the clasp. Another option is stretch bracelets and watches, which are easy to slide on and off over your hand.

Memory Wire Bracelets
Memory Wire
Memory wire bracelets are quite easy to wear. Simply wrap it around your wrist and it will resume its shape, which resembles stacked bracelets.

Fishhook Earwire & Leverback Earrings
Earwires & Leverbacks
Earrings come in several types. Pierced earrings are available with earwires, earstuds (also known as posts), and leverbacks. Earwires are available in many shapes, sizes, and vary in thickness. The aptly named leverback earring can be easily opened and closed with the simple flip of a hinged lever. Both the earwires and the leverbacks offer ease of handling and there are no small parts to secure.

Butterfly Clutch & Earnut with Comfort Clutch
Most post style pierced earrings come with butterfly clutches like the one shown above on the left. These are quite small and difficult to secure. How often have you dropped one and they’re impossible to find on thick carpet! A nice alternative is an earnut with a comfort clutch, which is a plastic disc that provides support from the back to prevent the earring from drooping and also gives you a larger piece to hold onto when securing the earring.

Flat Pad Clip-on Earrings & Slip-on Comfort Pads
Clip on Earrings
Clip-on earrings can be uncomfortable to wear. Choose flat pad clip earrings or add slip-on comfort pads to make clips more comfortable. If you have allergies, be sure to ask if nickel free earring posts or clips are available.

Ring Guards
Ring Guards
Do you have rings that you can no longer wear? If they are too large, a ring guard can be added to make it a smaller size. A jeweler can resize precious gold and sterling silver rings.

Rings on a Necklace
Rings on Necklace
Another option is to wear the ring on a chain or necklace. A custom beaded necklace can incorporate your favorite rings into the design. As a side note, if you lose a dangle earring, don’t throw away its mate. Many dangle earrings can become pendants on new necklaces.

Jewelry is such a wonderful expression of our personalities and everyone should be able to wear it. With a few simple adjustments, jewelry can be given new life in your wardrobe and more importantly, restore a little piece of your independence. If you lack the skills to make these changes, you probably know someone who makes beaded jewelry. I’m sure they would be glad to help.

Wear your jewelry in good health!  Happy Crafting!

Pineapple Dreams

Pineapple Beach
We all dream of fun in the sun at the beaches on exotic tropical islands. Until vacation time rolls around again, we can find ways to bring a little sunshine into our homes and maybe a smile or two along the way.  This week’s project is a painted wooden pineapple.  As usual, we’ll need a little inspiration courtesy of Mother Nature.

Pineapple Colors
It’s amazing how many colors can be found in the outer skin of a pineapple.

Pineapple Texture
The complex textures and geometric patterns are beautiful.

Golden Pineapple
Pineapples have long been a symbol for hospitality. What could be a better way to greet everyone to your home than displaying a bright welcoming pineapple?

How to Paint a Textured Wooden Pineapple:
Pineapple CloseUp
Pineapple has such a wonderful texture that needs to be touched. By using fabric paints, you can create thick, 3-D effects with very little effort.

Raw Wood Pineapple
Raw Wood Pineapple
Thick wood has been cut out in the shape of a pineapple and has the advantage of strong, rectangular base. Both sides and all the edges will need to be painted. Due to the raw nature of the wood, it may require a little sanding, especially along the edges.

Pineapple Supplies
Wooden Pineapple (11-3/8” high x 5” wide x 1/2” thick) (Base is 5” wide x 2” deep)
Acrylic Paints – brown, yellow, green, tan
5) Bottles Fabric Paint – dark green, yellow, white (not shown)
Black Sharpie Marker or pencil

Paint Base Colors
Pineapple Ptd Base Colors
Using acrylic paints and a brush, paint the leaves green, the remainder of the pineapple yellow and the base brown.

Define the Leaves
Draw Pineapple Leaf Details
Draw the leaf details with a Sharpie marker or pencil.

Texture the Leaves
Pineapple 3D Leaves
Trace the leaves with green fabric paint, including the perimeter edges. Allow the paint to dry overnight. Depending upon how thick you want the texture to be, it may require a second coat.

Texture the Pineapple
Pineapple Texture1
Starting at the base of the leaves, paint two horizontal rows of irregularly shaped rectangles with yellow fabric paint.

Directional Texture
Pineapple Texture2
Continue painting the yellow texture, working on a diagonal as shown. I started in the upper right corner and staggered the shapes, which get larger as you work toward the bottom.

Completed Yellow Texture
Pineapple Completed Texture
This photo shows the completed yellow texture. Allow it to dry overnight. If you accidentally get yellow paint on the brown base, simply touch up the paint as needed. It’s now ready for a few finishing touches.

Little Details
Pineapple Texture Detail
To complete the look, make a dot in the center of each yellow “block” and create an upward stroke of paint, which narrows to a point. Repeat this step across the entire yellow pineapple surface. Allow drying time. For the last step, use a tiny brush to apply tan acrylic paint to the tip of each white point.

Finished Pineapple
Pineapple Finshing Details
This completes the textured pineapple project. I hope you enjoyed it.

Have you painted any wooden home décor items? Do you have any secrets for creating texture? Please share your ideas in the comments section.

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!

Table Décor – Designs for All Occasions

Traditional Table Décor

Traditional Table Decor

Welcome to part two of table décor. Last week we reviewed the basic elements used in decorating tables. Today, we will see table designs for most occasions celebrated throughout the year. In case you missed part one, please click here.

Contemporary Table Décor

Contemporary Table Decor

There are variations within each, but, in terms of style, designs usually fall into three categories: traditional, contemporary, and eclectic. We’ll start with holidays, followed by special occasions and finish with table décor for the four seasons. Let’s begin…

Holiday Table Décor:

Valentine’s Day

Holiday1 Valentine's Day

Mardi Gras

Holiday2 Mardi Gras

St. Patrick’s Day

Holiday3 St Patrick's Day


Holiday4 Easter

Mexican Celebrations

Holiday5 Mexican Holidays

Mother’s Day

Holiday6 Mother's Day

Father’s Day

Holiday7 Father's Day

Independence Day – Fourth of July (U.S.A.)

Holiday8 Fourth of July


Holiday9 Halloween


Holiday10 Thanksgiving


Holiday11 Christmas

New Year’s Eve

Holiday12 New Year's Eve

Special Occasion Table Décor:

Afternoon Tea

Occasions Afternoon Tea


Occasions Anniversary

Baby Shower

Occasions Baby Shower

Birthday – Kid’s

Occasions Birthday Kids

Birthday – Kid’s

Occasions Birthday Kids

Birthday – Adult’s

Occasions Birthday Adult

Birthday – Adult’s

Occasions Birthday Adult


Occasions Engagement

Romantic Evening

Occasions Romance


Occasions Wedding

Seasons Table Décor:


Season1 Autumn


Season2 Winter


Season3 Spring


Season4 Summer

This concludes our exploration of table décor. I hope you have found some inspiration for your next celebration. Which ones are your favorites? Do you have any table decorating ideas to share? Please let me know in the comment section.

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!

Table Décor – Elements

Purple & Yellow Table Design

Earlier this year, one of my followers requested a post featuring table décor inspirations for year-round events. I discovered so many ideas that it will require two posts: Part 1 covers elements used in table décor, including decorations, lighting, food presentation, etc.; Part 2 features table décor designs for most holidays and special occasions throughout the year. Let’s get started…

Balloons, Fabric & 3-Dimensional Design

Fabric Wrapped Balloons

When planning your table décor, remember to think in three dimensions. The space above the table, including the ceiling, can be incorporated into your design.

Balloon Bouquets

Balloon Bouquet

Balloons have come a long way from the old days. The varieties include patterns, multicolor, & foil, in multiple shapes and sizes, including favorite characters from movies, comic books and cartoons.



Sweet fragrances, beautiful colors, and romantic lighting are all benefits of candles.

Color Theme: Pink

Color Theme: Pink

The theme for table décor is often drawn from the occasion, such as red for Valentine’s Day, but you may choose any theme that comes to mind, such as your favorite color.

Color Theme: Red & Gold

Color Theme: Red & Gold

Want to create some drama? Choose bold color combinations for an eye-catching table.

Floral Centerpieces

Floral Centerpiece

Contrary to popular belief, the centerpiece does not have to be in the center. This off-center fresh cut floral centerpiece, with coordinating draped fabric, provides plenty of room for place settings, in an artfully designed composition.

Silk Flowers

Silk Flower

Silk flowers are easy to work with and can be reused for future events.

Floral Focal Points at Varying Heights

Floral Focal Points at Varying Heights

Varying the heights of your décor creates visual interest and appeal.

Food Presentation

Food Presentation

If you have culinary skills, be sure to showcase your talents as food becomes part of your table décor. We eat with our eyes first, so create a mouthwatering masterpiece for your guests to enjoy.



Lighting sets the mood and tone for any occasion.

Lighting – Specialty


Depending upon the setting, lights can be suspended above the table or around the perimeter of the room, adding warmth and perhaps a bit of whimsy.

Folded Napkin Art

Napkin Art

Simple linen napkins can be elevated to an art form via napkin folding techniques. Many how-to videos are available online.

Place Settings – Simple

Place Setting - Simple

These cool matte gray dishes are accented by shiny gold rims, paired with gold flatware and accessories. The gold toned wood tabletop serves as the perfect backdrop.

Place Settings – Layered

Place Setting -Layers

Multiple layers of coordinating or contrasting elements include tablecloths and/or placemats, chargers, varying plate sizes, napkins & rings, and place cards,

Festive Tablecloths

Seasonal Tablecloth

Tablecloths in every color and infinite patterns are easily found online or in stores for every possible occasion. Lace tablecloths can be layered over solid colors. As an alternative, you can purchase fabric and drape it over the table for a one-of-a-kind look. 

Seasonal Décor

Seasonal Decor Items

Consider using many elements associated with the occasion being celebrated, such as small, wrapped gift boxes at Christmas, or chocolates for Valentines Day or Easter. Adding items such as evergreen, sliced oranges, or cinnamon scent the air with sweet seasonal fragrances.

Thinking Outside the Box:

Location, Location, Location


Where will you place your table? Is it an indoor or outdoor location? Will it be freestanding or up against a wall. Let the location inspire your design.

Table & Chairs

Boat Table & Stools

Will you be using a traditional table and chairs? Will your guests dine at the table, or will it be buffet style? Could you serve appetizers on bar top tables?

Local Flavor

Local Flavor Decor

This can include natural elements, such as sand & seashells for the beach, or pinecones & evergreen for the mountains. Local flavor also refers to cultural décor and traditions.

Floral Table Runner

Floral Table Runner

Not all table runners have to be fabric, although traditional ones come in a variety of materials and often have decorative needlework or intricate lace patterns. As an alternative, fresh cut or silk flowers can serve as table runners as shown above. Silk garlands are a very simple way to achieve the same look.

Floating Floral Centerpiece

Floating Floral Centerpiece

Water features are often overlooked in table décor. Floating flowers or petals lends a peaceful, Zen-like quality to your design.

Floating Folded Napkin Art

Floating Folded Napkin Art

Years ago, my family had a party under a large tent. Water filled bowls with floating flowers served as centerpieces. Thick lush blooms were our first choice, but none were available. We used Gerber daisies, which were pretty but lacked the three-dimensional effect we wanted. Napkins folded into large blooms might be the solution. Someday I’ll experiment with this idea and let you know the results. Do you have any suggestions?

I hope you enjoyed this exploration of table décor. Please click here to read part two, featuring table décor designs for all occasions. What is your favorite holiday or occasion for decorating? Do you have any ideas to share? Please let me know in the comments.

Thanks for Reading & Happy Crafting!